



Saturday, 10 May 2014




93.    Case No.F.4-98/2014-R (4/2014). CHIEF ENGINEER & SHIP SURVEYOR (BS-20),  PERMANENT, DIRECTORATE GENERAL PORTS & SHIPPING, KARACHI, MINISTRY OF  PORTS & SHIPPING. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION/ EXPERIENCE: (i) Certificate of Competency OR Certificate of Service as First Class Engineer (Combined OR Motor). (ii) At least five years as Chief Engineer of Ships not less than 373 BHP (Three years for candidates holding Extra-First Class Engineer’s Certificate). (iii) At least five years post qualification experience in any one of the following capacities (a) Engineer and Ship Surveyor (OR equivalent post) in any Mercantile Marine Department of a country (b) Officer in Technical Branch of Naval Headquarters OR in Naval Dockyard. (iv) At least two years experience as Examiner of Marine Engineers. AGE LIMIT: 35-55 years. DOMICILE: Sindh(Rural). (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date................................................................................................................ 19.5.2014
94.  Case No.F.4-99/2014-R (4/2014). DEPUTY CHIEF NAUTICAL SURVEYOR (BS-19),  PERMANENT, DIRECTORATE GENERAL PORTS & SHIPPING, KARACHI, MINISTRY OF  PORTS & SHIPPING. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION/ EXPERIENCE: (a) Certificate of Competency OR Certificate of Service as Master of a Foreign Going Ships. (b) At least three (3) years in Command of Ships. (Two years for candidates holding Extra Master’s Certificate / B.Sc. (Technology in Maritime Studies). (c) At least four (4) years experience [three years in case of persons belonging to category (i)]. (i) Nautical Surveyor (OR equivalent post) in any Mercantile Marine Department of a country. (ii) Surveyor in a recognized Classification Society. (iii) Officer in Staff Branch of Naval Headquarters OR in Naval Dockyard. AGE LIMIT: 30-45 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date............................................................................................................... ..19.5.2014
95.        Case No.F.4-100/2014-R (4/2014). ENGINEER AND SHIP SURVEYOR (BS-18), PERMANENT, DIRECTORATE GENERAL PORTS & SHIPPING, KARACHI, MINISTRY OF PORTS AND SHIPPING. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Certificate of Competency OR Certificate of service as First Class Engineer (Combined OR Motor) . EXPERIENCE: At least two (2) years post qualification experience as Chief Engineer of a Ship not less than 373 BHP. (One year for candidates holding Extra First Class Engineer’s Certificate). AGE LIMIT: 27-40 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date............................................................................................................. ..19.5.2014
96.  Case No.F.4-101/2014-R (4/2014). NAUTICAL SURVEYOR (BS-18), PERMANENT, DIRECTORATE GENERAL PORTS & SHIPPING, KARACHI, MINISTRY OF PORTS AND SHIPPING. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Certificate of Competency OR Certificate of service as Master of a Foreign Going ships. EXPERIENCE: At least two (2) years post qualification experience in Command of Ships. (One year for candidates holding Extra-Master’s Certificate/B.Sc.(Technology in Maritime Studies). AGE LIMIT: 27-40 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date................................................................................................................. 19.5.2014

97.     Case No.F.4-102/2014-R (4/2014). DIRECTOR PORTS & ADMINISTRATION (BS-19),  PERMANENT, DIRECTORATE GENERAL PORTS & SHIPPING, KARACHI, MINISTRY OF  PORTS & SHIPPING. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION Certificate of Competency OR Certificate of service as Master of a Foreign- Going Ships OR Certificate in Port Planning and Management from any recognized institution. EXPERIENCE. (i) Twelve (12) years post qualification experience in Maritime field handling/ dealing with Port Development Projects. (ii) Experience relaxable to ten (10) years in exceptional cases of merit. AGE LIMIT: 35-45 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date.............................................................................................................. 19.5.2014
98.            Case No.F.4-103/2014-R (4/2014). TWELVE ASSISTANT DIRECTORS (BS-17), PERMANENT, DIRECTORATE GENERAL IMMIGRATION & PASSPORTS, MINISTRY OF INTERIOR.. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION/ EXPERIENCE: (i) Second Class OR Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree. (ii) Two (2) years post qualification administrative experience in a Government/ Semi-Government/ Autonomous Organization. MAXIMUM AGE: 30 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Merit=One, Punjab=Seven (Open Merit=Six and Women quota=One), Sindh(Rural)=One, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa=One, Balochistan=One and GBFATA=One . (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date................................................................................................................ 19.5.2014
99.            Case No.F.4-104/2014-R (4/2014). TWO DIRECTORS (BS-19), PERMANENT, MANAGEMENT SERVICES WING, ESTABLISHMENT DIVISION. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION Second Class OR Grade ‘C’ Master’s degree in Public Administration/Business Administration/ Administrative Science/ Economics/ Statistics/ Computer Science/ ACMA. EXPERIENCE. Twelve (12) years post qualification experience in Management Analysis/ Financial Management/ Project Management/ Personnel Management/ Administrative Research/ Collection, Analysis, Interpretation of Statistical Data and Report Writing. MAXIMUM AGE: 40 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab=One and Balochistan=One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date.............................................................................................................. ..19.5.2014
100.        Case No.F.4-105/2014-R (4/2014) (N.J). 2ND ENGINEER (ELECTRONICS/ ELECTRICAL) (SYSTEM ENGINEER CALIBRATION) (BS-18), PERMANENT, PAKISTAN NAVY, MINISTRY OF DEFENCE. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical/ Electronics/ Computer OR equivalent from the recognized University. EXPERIENCE: Five (5) years post qualification experience in Govt./ Semi-Govt./ OR a firm of repute in repairs/ calibration of Test Measuring Diagnostic Equipment (TMDEs). AGE LIMIT: 25-35 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date........................................................................................................................ 19.5.2014
101.        Case No.F.4-106/2014-R (4/2014). ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (EDUCATION) (BS-19),  PERMANENT, FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, ISLAMABAD, CAPITAL ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class OR Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in the relevant subject. EXPERIENCE. Twelve (12) years post qualification teaching/ administrative experience at College/ University level. AGE LIMIT: 32-40 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
NOTE: Length of experience shall be relaxable by two years for M.Phil. and four years for Ph.D or equivalent qualification.
Closing date.............................................................................................................. 19.5.2014

102.     Case No.F.4-107/2014-R (4/2014). FOUR ASSISTANT PROFESSORS (BS-18), PERMANENT, FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, ISLAMABAD, CAPITAL ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION.. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class OR Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in the relevant subject. EXPERIENCE: Five (5) years post qualification teaching/ administrative experience at College/ University level. CATEGORIES: (A) EDUCATION= TWO, (B) MATHEMATICS= ONE AND (C) CHEMISTRY=ONE. AGE LIMIT: 25-35 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab= Two (Open Merit= One and Women quota=One), Sindh (Rural)= One and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa= One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
NOTE-I: Length of experience shall be relaxable by two years for M.Phil. and four years for Ph.D or equivalent qualification. NOTE-II: Candidates must clearly indicate in their application form the category (A) to (C) for which they apply. Submit separate online application and separate fee be paid for each category.
Closing date................................................................................................................ 19.5.2014
103.     Case No.F.4-108/2014-R (4/2014) (N.J). TWO LECTURERS (BS-17), PERMANENT, PAKISTAN NAVY, MINISTRY OF DEFENCE. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class OR Grade‘C’ Master’s Degree in the relevant subject. CATEGORIES: (A) MATHEMATICS=ONE AND (B)  BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MARKETING/ HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT)=ONE.  AGE LIMIT: 22-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE:  Punjab=One and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa=One (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
NOTE: Candidates must clearly indicate in their application forms the category (A) or (B) for which they apply. Submit separate online application and separate fee be paid for each category.
Closing date................................................................................................................ 19.5.2014
104.     Case No.F.4-109/2014-R (4/2014) (Re-Advt-1). TWO TRAINED GRADUATE TEACHERS (MALE) (MATHEMATICS) (BS-16), PERMANENT, F.G. ENGLISH MEDIUM (PUBLIC  SCHOOLS), DIRECTORATE OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, (CANTTS/ GARRISONS), MINISTRY OF DEFENCE. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: (i) Second Class OR Grade‘C’ Bachelor’s Degree in the relevant subject. (ii) B.Ed. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab (Minorities(Non-Muslims)quota).
Closing date................................................................................................................ 19.5.2014
105.     Case No.F.4-110/2014-R (4 /2014) (Re-Advt-2). ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (GEOLOGY) (BS-17), TEMPORARY, LIKELY TO BE CONTINUED FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF PAKISTAN, MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL RESOURCES.  MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class OR Grade‘C’ M.Sc. degree in Geology OR equivalent qualification from a University recognized by the HEC. AGE LIMIT: 22-30 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab (Minorities (Non- Muslim) quota). (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date.............................................................................................................. ..19.5.2014
106.     Case No.F.4-111/2014-R.(4/2014) (Re-Advt-1). SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (FLOODS) (BS-19), TEMPORARY, LIKELY TO CONTINUE, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEERING ADVISER/ CHAIRMAN FEDERAL FLOOD COMMISSION, MINISTRY OF WATER AND POWER. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering OR an equivalent qualification from a recognized University/ Institution. EXPERIENCE: Twelve (12) years post qualification experience in Planning, Design or construction or operation of Dams, Irrigation or Hydraulic Works in BS-17 and above OR equivalent in a Government / Semi-Government / reputable private organization. MAXIMUM AGE: 40 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date.............................................................................................................. ..19.5.2014

107.        Case No.F.4-112/2014-R (4/2014) (Re-Advt-1). ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (BS-17 PLUS 25% SPECIAL PAY OF BASIC PAY SCALE), PERMANENT, LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GILGIT BALTISTAN, MINISTRY OF KASHMIR AFFAIRS AND GILGIT BALTISTAN. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: (i) Bachelor’s Degree in Civil/Electrical/ Mechanical/ Agricultural/Industrial Engineering OR equivalent qualification. (ii) Candidates will have to qualify the written test before interview. AGE LIMIT: 22-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Gilgit Baltistan (Women quota).
Closing date................................................................................................................ 19.5.2014
108.        Case No.F.4-113/2014-R (4/2014). THREE ASSISTANT ARCHITECTS (BS-17), PERMANENT, PAK. PWD, MINISTRY OF HOUSING AND WORKS. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture OR equivalent OR Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects OR Member of a recognized Institute of Architects. MAXIMUM AGE : 32 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Merit=One, Punjab= One and Sindh (Rural)=One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date................................................................................................................ 19.5.2014
109.     Case No.F.4-114/2014-R. (4/2014). ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN (BS-16), PERMANENT, PAK,  PWD, MINISTRY OF HOUSING AND WORKS  MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class OR Grade ‘C’ Bachelor’s Degree in Library science from a University recognized by the HEC OR Second Class OR Grade ‘C’ Bachelor’s Degree from recognized Institution by the HEC with one (1) year postgraduate diploma in Library Science. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).

Closing date............................................................................................................... 19.5.2014


No. 10/2/2009-CP-II-(Pt-IX)                                                              Islamabad, 19th Dec. 2011


                The undersigned is directed to state that the Competent Authority has been pleased to approve the insertion of Para 8-A in the Revised Promotion Policy, 2007 circulated, vide Establishment Division’s O.M. No. 13/2007-CP-II, dated 24-10-2007 as under:-

The nominations for mandatory training having been made in order of seniority, if the officer so nominated for training declines to proceed on training for two consecutive training courses, then he/she would forfeit the right to consideration for promotion.

Provided that the Prime Minister may dispense with this provision in any case in the public interest.”

2                      All Ministries/ Divisions are requested to note the above insertion and also bring the same to the notice of their Attached Departments/Sub-Ordinates Offices, Autonomous/Semi-Autonomous Bodies/ Corporations for their information and strict compliance.

(Muhammad Wishaq)
Deputy Secretary
Ph: 9207036

Secretaries/ Additional Secretaries Incharge
of the Ministries/ Divisions,
Islamabad Rawalpindi.