In continuation of Establishment Division’s O.M. No. 8/130/91-R.I, dated 3rd December, 1991, it is stated that the President under sub-para ‘F’ of para 3 of the Presidential directive No. 57/1/CMLA, dated 2nd August 1979 had, inter-alia, frozen upgradation of posts till further orders. Prior to this, the upgradation of posts used to be made with the approval of the Finance Division and Establishment Division. However, after the directive, all the cases of upgradation of posts are submitted to the Prime Minister for approval, in relaxation of the above Presidential directive with the concurrence of Finance Division and Establishment Division.
2. It has come to the notice of the government that Ministries/ Divisions/Departments etc. are upgrading the posts without the approval of the competent authority i.e. the Prime Minister and concurrence of the Finance Division (Regulations Wing) and Establishment Division. Similarly, the appointments against the upgraded posts are being made by the Ministries/Divisions/Departments etc. without going through the prescribed selection process or approval of the competent authority. It may be pointed out that the upgradation of posts does not mean automatic upgradation of the incumbents. The appointment against the upgraded post will have to be made in the manner prescribed in the recruitment rules for that post and with the approval of the competent authority. Therefore, upgradations of posts made by the Ministries/Divisions/Departments etc. and appointment of their incumbents against such posts without going through the prescribed selection process or approval of the competent authority are irregular.
3. In view of the above, Ministries/Divisions are requested not to make any upgradation without the concurrence of Finance Division (Regulations Wing) and Establishment Division and the approval of the Prime Minister. The upgradation of posts, made by the Ministries/ Divisions without this process, may be submitted for regularization etc. in the prescribed procedure and for approval of the competent authority. The above position may also be brought to the notice of all Departments/Autonomous/Semi-Autonomous Bodies/Corporations etc. under the administrative control of the Ministries/Divisions.
(Sl. No. 25-A, P-90, Estacode2007 Volume-I)